Frank Bishop

Frank is now a Life Member of I.A.A Vic
Welcome to the Website of Frank Bishop
Inventor and Intron Electronics Pty. Ltd.
The 1970’s was a time of great advancement in Australian Manufacturing. It generated 32 % of the total economy of the nation, and innovation provided many new unique products.
Invention flourished and Australia led the world in many fields.
This website details our product history in the years spanning 1970 through to 2010.
He subsequently worked for several electronic manufacturing companies in the fields of testing and design of products.

The Company began Licensing several of its patents and innovations to other Manufacturers for the next 30 years, Frank retired from business in 2012.
Inventions – Portfolio
Digital Multimeter
After working for several years as an Electronics Technician prior to graduating as a Radio Engineer I realised that the portable test equipment used by Technicians had several shortcomings, they were hard to handle , innacurate , heavy , hard to read , fragile and poorly protected from physical shock..
Movement Sensor
It was during the late 1970’s that the Electronics Industry was needing more information from the world around it. Sensors could give electronic circuits the ability to make decisions and respond to changes thus allowing control of the surroundings.
Aqua Tow
In 1981 we installed an above ground pool in the backyard of our home in Melbourne and with the family being keen swimmers it provided many hours of fun and exercise. It occurred to me that I could create an electrically powered tow for use in the pool , at the beach and in the surf , so , without realising what that entailed I prepared a few sketches of a suitable shape for the hull along with a suitable propulsion
Sensor Light
In the 1970’s It was customary that when a family or family member returned home after dark the front light was left on to light up the path and porch for safe entry. This meant that a 100 Watt light was on for up to 12 hours wasting energy and signalling to thieves that the the house may be empty.
Electronic Watchdog
Our much loved Family dog Shilo had reached an age where he needed to retire from watchdog duties and relax. The idea came to mind that an Electronic Watchdog could carry on the good work and allow Shilo to enjoy his retirement years.After some research into what was commercially available I found that no products were made..
Microwave Modules
The Movement Sensor (Patented) proved to have quite a few applications in a variety of electronic products and it was obvious that by expanding the concept of low cost microwave devices the applications would be increased. I decided to offer these in modular form which would require a plastic injection moulding die to be designed and manufactured to house the sensitive circuitry. The most useful module types were as follows :
Acceleration Gauge
I became a car enthusiast the day I got my driving licence and then spent much of my spare time restoring old sports cars by reconditioning engines, gearboxes, respraying bodies, restoring interiorsetc. I was interested in the dash board instrumentation and always thought that enthusiasts and mechanics needed a new instrument to better assess their vehicles’ performance.